Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Lag In Time

Seems like I'm just lagging here with everything and I can't seem to get back on track. UGH!  Ever since I started this job my time management skills have been lacking when it comes to the homefront. I'm running around with my daughter and grandson but have been finding little to no Kim time let alone time to stitch. I despise television yet at 9 o'clock at night I find myself mindlessly flipping through the channels searching for something to mindlessly watch. I guess I'm just in one of those ruts where reading, stitching, and even facebook along with its many games sounds unappealing. From what I've heard, everyone hits these ruts in life. Well I'm thinking its almost time to pull myself out! 

This will be my last full-time week at work. Saturday I leave for a fun filled vacation that my friend planned to help pull me through a bad time I was living through and to also celebrate my 50th birthday(which has passed).  Next week we will be running like mad women on the quest to find Mickey to give him a big ole SMOOCH! Ha ha ha! We are going to Disney and going to revisit childhood for a week. Even attending Princess breakfast too! What a great time this will be. When I come back, I do have a part time position awaiting my return along with a certification test. Woo Hoo! I actually love this job and am hoping it turns back into full time in the future. The extra time I will have for at least a couple of months will give me a chance to play with my little grandson who seems to be changing every day. Theses are all good things.  

Sadly I missed posting on Father's Day. Reason being is I lost my father last October to cancer. It was a quick descent and I miss him so very much. It was a rough day to get through but each day is a little brighter and a touch easier. I know he's watching from above. I love you Dad! 
Now onto the stitching I have NOT been doing...

I did manage to stitch up a cutie for Sue Hillis for the October JCS issue of an adorable witch pillow but I'm not sure I can post it as of yet. Once I get an ok I will give you a quick peek. Its adorable!  Somehow I pushed myself a few days ago to begin Just Nan's Emma and Eliza Meet the Owls of October pin cushion.  I didn't get far but here's the pattern pic and progress pic as of today.  Hopefully there will be more pics soon.

Well I think that's enough rambling for a late Sunday morning entry. Now I'm off to begin packing for Disney, make a pie for my son and dinner for the family, and hopefully I will be motivated to even do a little stitching.

HAPPY SUMMER everyone and hope you enjoyed yesterdays Super Moon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just found your blog.

I know what you mean about mindless TV - I do the same. Sometimes it's difficult to sit down and stitch.

Your wip is looking great I love Just Nan.

Sorry to hear about your Dad. That's a lovely photo.
I hope you have a lovely holiday (: