Thursday, October 24, 2013

Scrumptious Blog Award (LOL)

My daughter-in-law Joanna has a blog, Wrapped in Engaged Bliss . Its a journey through her last year as a student at Eureka College, a Catholic growing in her faith, and her life on the farm with her future husband (my son) Sebastian. Joanna was tagged in with the Scrumptious Blog Award with 10 random questions and now she's tagged me! Ha ha ha! Lets see how well I do with her questions. Here goes!

1. What brought you to the blogging world?
 My friend Eva, Stitching the Night Away in Illinois , encouraged me to start a blog so I can have an online photo gallery of all my stitching. So many pieces are given away as gifts and we tend to forget exactly what they look like. Plus its always fun to share with other stitchers the work one's done. 
2. When you have an hour to yourself how do you spend it?
I tend to get online and read the news and Twitter, read classic books, Cross Stitch, and sometimes take a nap. Too many times I like to just gaze into the sky and think.
3. What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
Why am I up 45 minutes before my alarm is set to go off. UGH! Then I figure since I'm up I'll just get out of bed and entertain myself online after getting ready for work. 
4. . If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ireland and Italy. I have many other countries I want to visit but those two are on the very top of my list.
5. If you could restart your educational career and could pursue anything money is not a factor what would you do? 
Become a Chemist with a PhD. 
I am seriously considering going back to school to obtain my PhD because it has been my lifelong dream to become a doctor. I think I may pursue Research & Development with a specialization in Grant writing.  I'm already looking into it. 
 6. Biggest pet peeve?
I know everyone has stupid moments but I can not stand when people purposefully do stupid acts. Stupid is a strong word but there is the just having blonde moments and then there is outright stupid. 
7. Favorite childhood memory?
I have many but one of my favorites is the Key of Islamorada Florida. 
Fishing off the long pier with my parents, snorkeling off the pier with my Dad, and beach combing around and under that pier and finding some of the coolest sea life. I loved those vacations and the east coast waves call my name.

8.If you could spend the whole day just doing one thing what would it be? Assuming money wasn't a factor etc.
Shopping at Ikea and other stores. 
Well... you said money is no option here. Ha ha ha! 
Actually, there are so many things I'd love to be doing and yes shopping would be nice because I don't really shop and I'd love to just travel. 
9. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? If not what would you subscribe to?
Nope! But I would subscribe to American Scientist. Loaded with great articles and Hey! I'm a Scientist. What would you expect? 
10. What is something you wish you could do for a living but can't because 1) it isn't a career 2)there is no way you could support yourself. Ex; I wish I could read and review books for a living!
I'd love to own a school bus refurbished as a laboratory on wheels and get a couple of my Scientist friends to travel across the country with me visiting schools and exposing children at the elementary school level the experience of the awesomeness created when they conduct real Science experiments in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. 
A hands-on educational lab on wheels. 

Well Joanna, this was actually fun and thanks for tagging me. I don't really know anyone to tag myself except Eva at Stitching the Night Away in Illinois , so Eva Consider yourself TAGGED! 
You can answer the questions Joanna picked. 
1. What brought you to the blogging world?
2. When you are an hour to yourself how do you spend it?
3. What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
4. . If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. If you could restart your educational career and could pursue anything money is not a factor what would you do?
 6. Biggest pet peeve?
7. Favorite childhood memory?
8.If you could spend the whole day just doing one thing what would it be? Assuming money wasn't a factor etc. And NOT stitching related! (I can't make it too easy for you)
9. What are your reading preferences and how avid a reader are you?
10. What is something you wish you could do for a living but can't because 1) it isn't a career 2)there is no way you could support yourself. Ex; I wish I could read and review books for a living!

Have a great day and thank you for reading!


Anonymous said...

Yay! I had a blast reading your answers:)! I hope I get tagged in future posts like these so I can pass them on to you :)! Have a great day! Love you!

KIM said...

Love you too!