Monday, December 9, 2013


This year I participated in a couple Ornament Exchanges. Early January I began stitching Just Nans OOP Gingerbread Stocking / Scissor Keeps as my exchange pieces. Being the procrastinator I am when it comes to finishing, I did not get them all put together until sometime in October but I have to admit they really turned out lovely. There are a few things I would do a bit different like sewing through the stabilizer when outlining the piece to make construction easier and with zero buckles around the curves. Thanks for the great tip Eva!  I did put fiberfill in the toe before putting scissors in the sock as a special little treat. 
Here's how they turned out:
In return I received from the 123Stitch ornament exchange:
from Robin Walker in NC

and another from Julie in CT from the Treads of Life stitch board:
The Ornament exchanges are always fun. Now I'm off to plot what I shall stitch for next years.

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